Why there is no link on my weblog

Posted: Monday, December 22, 2003 | Posted by alireza |

Linking on a webpage is the mechanism that takes you to somewhere [of the choice of the linker] on the World Wide Web. The destination can be anything: a piece of music or a poem that the suggesting person liked.

Link is analogous to gift; we usually give things we like and endorse, to people we respect. Gifts are not always liked by the receivers as they may have different preferences and liking behaviors. By links we imply what drag our attentions; what we enjoyed reading, listening, watching ... simply experiencing.

The big pitfall of link I try to avoid is the tendency this process set for the moments we have nothing to say, comment, agree and create. The link prepares a platform for postponing any opportunity we may find to let ourselves to bloom.

Again, link is like a library; when one has nothing to express, then s/he may consider referring to the reflections of a phenomenon in other people’s heart and mind. What happens if all are librarians? Then no one yearns to be a writer.

Disclaimer: I love to open my heart and wisdom to the marvelous pieces people find on the internet. I deliberately want to ban this for myself only; hoping this practice help me with my creativity, impetuosity and spontaneity. This is by no means a suggestion or guidance for others!

متصل چون شد دلت با آن عدم            هين بگو مهراس از خالي شدن
امر قل زين آمدش کي‌ راستين            کم نخواهد شد بگو درياست اين


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