Posted: Friday, May 13, 2005 | Posted by alireza |

Say Cheese!

You are down;
You are dead;
That’s okay!

You have the option;
To keep the silence;
Pretending that you could:
- Live longer
- Be smarter
- Make laughter
- Be happy
- Give mercy
- Be okay.

You just need no "Love";
You just need no "Hope";
You just need to say "Cheese!"

You are so strong;
You are so okay;
You are the one,
Who can say:
- Oh my love "The Cheese!"
- My reason to live
- My incentive to please
- Oh my love "The Cheese!"

You are the ocean;
Filled up with sorrow
You are the dam;
Reserving the hopes for tomorrow

You are down;
That’s okay
You are dead,
That’s fine
You still have the muscle:
To say "Cheese!"