Posted: Thursday, November 11, 2004 | Posted by alireza |

in CKD business [car for example] you start with a big ratio of imported parts and move to a point that most of the part are locally made. Once you have internalized the majority of the parts, then you can claim that you are locally making the product. that’s the time you can boast that you migrated from a Car importer to a Kar manufacturer .... you basically have internalized the concept of Kar ... it is no longer a Car.

That s almost the same thing for me when it comes to kanada and vankouver... for me they are no longer just Canada and Vancouver with Capital letter ... they are some internalized things within me ... i have a part in them ... and they for sure have a part in me .... One more good example could be the way you address your friends and beloved ones .... for you ... for instance: Dr. Masoud Tavassoli; the orthopedic surgeon of the year in Iran is not Dr. Tavassoli .. for you he is simply masoud jooon, period.